Make people’s life easier

Introduce your product in the simplest and easiest way for people to catch the idea quickly. Promote this is your ad copy, sell the idea of simplicity and ease, this…

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Retarget people based on time

Facebook allows you to retarget people based on the amount of time they spend on your site. This is very useful to narrow your audience and only target people who…

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Have a Landing Page in your App

A good landing page is essential for a great first impression. Take up this space to hype and showcase the useful and innovative features of your App before its launch.…

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Keep your paragraphs short

Try to keep your paragraph to a length of 3 sentences so your website is not overwhelmed with text. This is a simple hack to decrease the bounce rate and…

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Promote the concept of saving time

Time is money, and people are always trying to use their time as efficiently as possible. By all means, when you promote your product let people know how much time…

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Product positioning ad copy

If you aren’t sure if your customers would prefer an app, a platform, a system or whatever, you can put it for testing. A/B test different copy to position your…

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