Have price variations

If you ave different price ranges you can lead people to buy a specific product through pricing psychology. If you have a range of multiple buying options with a cheap…

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Retention > Aquisition

According to Harvard Business School, a 5% bump in customer retention can increase profits up to 95%, and overall it cost more money to invest in acquisition than keeping the…

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Ad extensions for targeted clicks

This will make the information of your ads more insightful to your viewer, these extensions will increase click-through rates because this additional information will make your ad stand out from…

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Duplicate content is making you lose money

The very basics of SEO includes not having duplicates content on your site, this will definitely mess with your search engine ranking, to avoid having replicated content use Siteliner, this…

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Forget about A/A Testing

These tests do not set statistical significance as the main role, so it doesn’t really make sense to spend a whole lot of time testing in order to find rare…

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Yelp for local/small businesses

If your company is a smaller more local business, when you take it upon yourself to invest in advertising, Adwords, Facebook, Youtube, and Bing, it is likely that your ROI…

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Take advantage of content syndication

This is a method that consists of republishing content on other sites with the purpose of reaching a broader audience. It is possible to syndicate third-party content on your own…

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Your web analytics are SO IMPORTANT

People are making the wrong decisions based on incorrect data all the time, to avoid this mistake start with a google analytics audit and configure your analytics correctly, then make…

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