Facebook Messenger Live Chat

Chat with your website visitors via Facebook Messenger. The advantage of using Facebook messenger is that the vast majority of internet users already have a Facebook account - no need…

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Segment By Device

Try isolating by device (mobile vs desktop) if the data shows that one device is outperforming the other. This will allow you to invest more into the more efficient device,…

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Less Choice

Give a visitor less choice, instead of too many options. Too much choice can limit conversions: The more options you give a potential customer, the harder their decision-making process becomes.…

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Keyword In Meta Titles

Adding the most important keyword you’re targeting into the meta titles of your page is a good way to increase organic search traffic. Prioritize the front end of your meta…

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Post Purchase Discount

After a first purchase, a customer has a 27% chance of returning to your store. Customers who return a second or third time have a 54% chance of returning again.…

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Reviews Social Proof

Try adding customer ratings and reviews on your site. This is one of the most credible ways to build trust. The perfect place to put these reviews is just below…

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Narrow Keyword Audience

Narrowing down your target keywords by creating ad-specific groups will help you reach a more targeted audience. Create specific groups with specific ads for high-intent niche search terms, catering your…

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