Marketplace Integrations with Other Apps
Integrate with well known products that will expand your reach to their userbase. Integrate with CRM’s, billing systems, popular tools like Evernote, etc. Sometimes you can get featured in their…
Integrate with well known products that will expand your reach to their userbase. Integrate with CRM’s, billing systems, popular tools like Evernote, etc. Sometimes you can get featured in their…
If you feel you have a better product and you have some courage – reach out and ask them to link to you instead! This is especially helpful if the…
If you have multiple user types or subsets of users then try showcasing each of them with their own case studies.
Send 10 to 20 emails per day to your targeted prospects with a personal email. It isn’t scalable, but that’s ok early on. Spend the time to find their name,…
Look for products in your industry that do not compete and try to integrate with them. Joint ventures Joint webinars Exchange guest blogs
Put up training courses within your niche on sites like Udemy or SkillShare. You can choose to charge for the course to add a new revenue channel or give it away to have…
This could be a joint webinar, or maybe just advice that is applicable to your user base that you are sharing.
Convert blog posts into presentations, infographics, etc. Transcribe video and audio. Take sections of blog posts and spin them off on their own.
Feature user stories on your blog and in your emails. This works even better if you can tie in how they are utilizing your product successfully.
Communicate as much and as early as possible (live chat, personal emails, etc). By communicating directly with new users, you greatly increase your odds of them converting to a paid…