Create a Layer Content

This tip works great for online magazines and newspapers. Create very interesting content (articles, videos, you name it) that really grasps your customer’s attention, then in the middle of it…

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Use scarcity to your favor

People are willing to pay extra to have access to stuff sooner than others, this is why subscriptions like Amazon Prime are successful. Create VIP offers for your best customers.…

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Generate consistency of your App

People forget all the time which apps they have on their phones, next time they log into the website from their phone, given them the option to be redirected to…

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In-app Messaging

Great the users that land on your welcome page, this is the perfect way to make a good first impression. A friendly hello gives the sensation of an in-person interaction,…

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Highlight benefits in your CTA

Instead of having your CTA just have the word ‘Register try using words that tell the user the benefits of registering. For instance, if you are selling productivity a CTA…

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Have big purchase discounts

Set offers such as free shipping, a discount percentage, or free returns to customers that make purchases over a certain price. This will encourage people to spend more in order…

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