How much does a new feature cost?

  • Opportunity costs across all disciplines
  • Cost to implement feature (engineering, UX, product)
  • Cost to implement incremental improvements (engineering, UX, product)
  • Cost to deliver feature (processing, storage, monitoring)
  • Cost to train people internally to sell the feature
  • Cost to train people internally to support the feature
  • Cost to market the feature to existing customers
  • Cost to market the feature to new customers
  • Coordination costs across all teams
  • Cost to document and train users/customers on new feature
  • Cost to maintain that extra documentation
  • Cost to train engineers on more complex codebase
  • Cost of slower engineering, caused by increased system complexity and maintenance
  • Cost to hire more resources to account for slower engineering
  • Cost of reduced flexibility, caused by increased system complexity and maintenance
  • Cost of maintaining system usability as system broadens
  • … until the feature reaches end-of-life (unless you retire it)