Slack Application: Ziri Retweet/like tweets from Slack

Often times, interesting tweets are shared on your Slack team. And if your team has Slack’s Twitter app installed, Slack will unfurl a tweet link and you see the tweet. It’s also likely you have a channel where tweets concerning your organisation/team is shared on Slack.Ziri is a Slack tool that helps you interact with these tweets in a non-distractive way. All you need to do is add an emoji reaction to the Slack post containing the tweet link.Currently, Ziri supports retweeting a tweet (with the :retweet-this: reaction) and liking a tweet (with the :like-tweet: reaction.)A dependency is that you have the Ziri trigger emojis on your Slack team. You can download these emojis from Ziri page (in the “How It Works” section) and add it to your Slack team.

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