Slack Application: Saberr Coach Bot Notifications for your Coach Bot 1:1s, retrospectives and activity in Slack

CoachBot is the best of leadership development and performance management, combined.From great one-to-ones and digitally-faciliated team session to a library of learning resources about leading and managing teams.This Slack app can be added to your company on CoachBot, so that people already using CoachBot can get their notifications via Slack, instead of (or as well as) via email.• Get a Slack message when you’ve got a 1:1 coming up, so that you can easily jump in and add to the agenda
• Get reminded about your next team retrospective in advance, so you’ve got time to think of and write down your retrospective notes.
• See summaries of your retrospective session in Slack, so it’s easy to find your actions again.

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