Slack Application: RoleUpSimple Identity Management

Track all your team accounts in one place with simple OAuth-based setup, no SAML, LDAP or identity providers. Streamline onboarding and offboarding of team members with just a few clicks. Onboarding
Use /roleup onboard [email or Slack user] to start onboarding a new or existing user to the integrations you’ve connected in RoleUp. Or you can be specific with /roleup onboard [email or Slack user] with slack, asana, and githubThis creates pending accounts to hold the account data before they are confirmed and created in the integration itself. It will also create a public link that you can share with a new user to solicit specific account details like their first and last names, username, or phone numbers for use in creating the accounts.Offboarding
Use /roleup offboard [email or Slack user] to present offboarding options depending on the integration. Many integrations offer the ability to remove the account right from Slack, while others will provide links to the relevant admin page or documentation.User Accounts
If you just want all the accounts associated with a specific identity, use /roleup list [email or Slack user] accounts to see all of their usernames and account status.This Slack App requires a RoleUp account. Go to to start a free trial, and then create a Slack integration to get started.

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