Slack Application: Mastermind Mastermind automates your software development workflows across Jira, Github, GSuite, Exchange and Slack.

Mastermind is an Automation and AI Assistant for software development teams. It automates many development workflows across Jira, Github, GSuite, Exchange and Slack. Here are some commands Mastermind can understand:Team Member Short Commands
/mm create [task|bug] [task title]  Creates a task or bug
/mm [epics|stories|tasks|subtasks|bugs]  Gets your in-progress and backlog items
/mm standup  Gets you ready for the standup
/mm status  Gets your in-progress tasks
/mm next  Suggests what you should work on next
/mm prs [closed]  Gets your open/closed pull requests
/mm commits  Gets your code commits made today
/mm backlog  Gets your backlog tasks
/mm product backlog  Gets your tasks from the icebox (product backlog)
/mm jira-jql: [Any Jira JQL query] Gets results for any Jira JQL queryTeam Short Commands
/mm team [epics|stories|tasks|subtasks|bugs]  Gets the team’s in-progress and backlog items
/mm team standup  Gets the team’s standup status
/mm team status  Gets the team’s in-progress tasks
/mm team next  Suggests what the team should work on next
/mm team prs [closed]  Gets the team’s open/closed pull requests
/mm team commits  Gets the team’s code commits made today
/mm team backlog  Gets the team’s backlog tasks
/mm team product  backlog Gets the team’s tasks in the icebox (product backlog)
/mm jira-jql: [Any Jira JQL query] Gets results for any Jira JQL queryWorkspace Short Commands
/mm workspaces  Change workspaces
/mm workflows  Trigger a workflow(s)
/mm help  Help information
/mm config  Setup and Configure Mastermind
/mm disconnect  Disconnect from the Mastermind Slack AppHere are some examples of the natural language requests Mastermind understands:
/mm create [task|bug] [title]
/mm get me ready for the team standup
/mm what should [I|team member|the team] work on next
/mm what [am I|is team member|is the team] working on
/mm what did [I|team member|the team] do [time frame]
/mm what [unassigned] tasks are on the backlog
/mm get [my|team member|the teams] [open|closed] pull requests
/mm what code did [I|team member|the team] push [time frame]For more information, go to

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