Slack Application: Kick Fire Receive Slack notifications when target companies visit your website.

Tap into your company’s invisible pipeline by identifying anonymous web visitors showing real-time buying intent for your products and services with KickFire LIVE Leads and Slack.KickFire’s Slack app allows you to sync automatic, real-time notifications to your Slack channels when target companies visit or specific take actions on your website. This allows you to take immediate action and engage potential leads at the peak of their interest. Receive instant Slack channel notifications from KickFire LIVE Leads:When a visitor is on your target account watchlist
When a visitor matches your predefined LIVE Leads scoring criteria
When a visitor’s identified company views your website for the first time (identify net-new accounts)*Using KickFire’s Slack app is limited to KickFire LIVE Leads customers only.

Level up your Slack game with our custom application product services for slack! From streamlining workflows to automating tasks, our team of experts can create the perfect solution to boost your productivity and enhance collaboration within your team. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to seamless integration with our tailored Slack apps. Don’t wait, contact us today to get started and take your team’s communication to the next level!