Zoom in and pan in a video
Zoom in and pan in a video
1. Plan how you will apply the pan and zoom effects to elements and people in your video.
Consider applying pan effects when showcasing multiple products, showing a location, or introducing multiple people at one time. Zoom in for close-ups to show greater detail of products to viewers.
2. Download and install the free version of Movavi Video Editor Plus for Windows or Mac.
Movavi is an intuitive, powerful video editing software that makes it simple to apply pan and zoom effects to your videos.
3. Open Movavi, click on Add Media Files and choose a video to edit. Create a starting frame, click on Pan and Zoom in the side menu, move the position marker to where the effect will begin, then click on Zoom in.
Move the frame on the video to the starting point for your pan by holding and dragging. Change the frame dimensions by grabbing the corner and dragging.
4. Move the cursor slightly forward on the timeline, click on Pan, then Add, and drag the second frame that appears on the video to your finishing point.
5. To finish the effect, move the cursor slightly forward on the timeline, click on Zoom out, then Add.
Preview the effect by dragging the cursor to the starting point and playing the video clip.
6. To adjust the timing of the effects, pause the video and look at the timeline. Click on a circle and drag it to shorten or lengthen the effect.
Each step of the effect, zoom in and pan, zoom out, is indicated by a horizontal white line, beginning and ending with circles.
7. Click File > Export to save your edited video file and prepare it for sharing.
Choose the appropriate tab for your requirements. For example, save it on your computer to export it for viewing on another device.