Write sales-boosting content
Write sales-boosting content
1. Map out your customer journey to understand customers' motivations and the typical path of events they will go through before making a purchase.
Creating a customer journey map will help inform how you should structure your content and touchpoints to help guide the buyer personas within your target audience through their journeys, and towards purchasing one of your products or services.
2. Define your target audience's pain points through qualitative research like customer interviews, focus groups, surveys, and communicating with your sales team for feedback and observations of customer problems.
Identifying these pain points is essential to developing content that will be valuable to your audience and guide them to your business’s solutions for the problems they want to solve.
3. Identify the solutions you can offer your audience during each stage of the customer journey to address their pain points.
The customer journey includes the awareness, consideration, and decision stages to describe how people navigate through their own personal decision to make a purchase. Prospects in each stage have different types of problems they are trying to solve. Form specific solutions that target each stage in the buyer’s journey to meet prospects where they are and provide information they need at that time. For example, a prospect that is still in the awareness stage wouldn’t benefit from being recommended a specific product or service, because they aren’t ready to make a buying decision yet. Instead, a more valuable solution might be to provide free educational content on your website that helps them identify and understand their problem.
4. Determine what content type will benefit readers in each stage of the customer journey.
The type of content you choose to create for each stage should provide the reader with value, inform them how to best work through that stage, and persuade them to take the next logical step. Some types of written content to consider are blogs, assessments, templates, ebooks, white papers, case studies, and emails. For example, a reader who is in the consideration stage might benefit from a free downloadable ebook because it will provide information the prospect needs as they work towards discovering the solution to fix their problem. It positions your business as an expert who wants to provide the best value for customers, and it will build trust and interest in your brand as they continue in their buyer’s journey.
5. Write your content to illustrate how your business can solve the problem the reader is facing and why they should trust your brand. Tailor the copy to align with readers’ specific questions and pain points.
To focus and align content and copy: Include elements in your content that will position your brand as authoritative and trustworthy, such as quoting statistics and research from other trusted sources or adding testimonials from satisfied customers you’ve helped in the past. Consider using storytelling elements to relate to your readers and help them picture how your brand can offer the solution they need. Personalize content by using language that speaks directly to the reader and shows you understand the pain points they’re experiencing.
6. Add actionable CTAs to your content that lead the reader to the next logical step, such as downloading a helpful guide or ebook, signing up for a service, or making a purchase.
Avoid sales language that feels pushy or makes it seem like you are forcing readers to make a purchase. Your CTAs should provide an irresistible offer by addressing the reader’s needs, focuses on benefits they want to obtain, and build curiosity around the topic to encourage them to click through to the next step. CTAs should fit naturally into written content, or you can also consider designing graphic CTAs to draw attention and break up long blocks of text.
7. Develop a content flow that guides your audience seamlessly through their buyer's journey with the help of your content.
Consider implementing your content into a marketing funnel in your overarching content strategy that includes other forms of content like social media, videos, webinars, ads, and landing pages. Creating a natural flow of content that helps lead your readers through the awareness, consideration, and decision stages will increase conversions because your content will address your audience’s needs and provide value every step of the way.