Write process level value propositions
Write process level value propositions
1. Write a value proposition for every action you’re asking someone to take, so they can understand why they should take that action.
Answer questions like, “Why should I [click this PPC ad/read this blog post/listen to your phone call] rather than [click on any other PPC ad/consume any other content/hang up the phone]?”.
2. Look at surveys, talk to the customers, and talk to the people who deal with the customers (sales team, customer support) to identify any opportunities for improving each CTA.
Answer questions like: ‘ What is the perceived value of the action? How can you improve it?’ What minor changes can you make right now to deliver a better value for your customers?
3. Refine your value proposition until you can express it in a single, instantly credible sentence.
Focus on making it clear and strong to help optimize your pages to express and support the value proposition. Replace vague modifiers with specific, quantitative facts to make the value proposition shorter, easier to grasp, and more attractive to potential customers. For example, a publisher changed their CTA from “SIGN IN AND ORDER A SAMPLE” to “REQUEST A FREE COPY” and experienced a 132% increase in the click-through rate. Customers perceived the value of the CTA using the word “COPY” as higher than the one using “SAMPLE.”
4. Test your value proposition to ensure it communicates the value and optimizes your conversion rates.
Micro-test using PPC ads to evaluate your language and refine it to maximum capability. Create 3-5 variations of PPC ads using elements of your value proposition. Measure the click-through rate of each ad. The ad with the highest click-through rate identifies the value proposition that’s most appealing to potential customers. Radical redesign testing can help you optimize pages for congruence and achieve initial results quickly, while pointing to specific areas for additional testing.
5. Evaluate your value propositions as part of a continuously evolving cycle to optimize them based on your business changes.
For example, new products and services, different offers, and shifts in customer needs.