Write post-purchase emails to boost retention
Write post-purchase emails to boost retention
1. Redesign digital receipts and order confirmation messages to include repeat purchase discount codes.
Receipts and confirmation messages are opened more frequently than promotional emails.
2. Feature product recommendation links in a You might also like section.
Avoid promoting products that fulfill a need similar to the one filled by the product just bought. Instead, focus on promoting supporting products. For example, if somebody buys a camera, do not promote other cameras; instead promote a tripod or camera bag. Investigate patterns in customer buying data and previous shopping experiences to include more relevant product recommendations.
3. Give purchasers the opportunity to opt in to other emails that provide advice relating to their purchase.
For example, instead of asking people to sign up to our newsletter, say something like, For tips and advice on getting the most out of the camera you have just purchased, sign up to our newsletter. This approach will: Increase opt-ins. Improve customer satisfaction with their purchase. Provide opportunities to upsell and cross sell.
4. Include a mini-FAQ that addresses the most commonly asked product questions.
This helps to remove obstacles that hinder the success of your product.
5. Add social media links in the email so customers can share their purchases and experiences with friends.
Include prompts for a refer-a-friend incentive program.
6. Use consumption cycle data to send scheduled replenishment reminders.
Maintain an email cycle for your seasonal products. Focus on products that need less frequent replenishment, such as those consumed quarterly or annually.
7. Send a unique bonus offer along with a consumption cycle email.
For example, send a discount code to sign up for your subscription service.