Visualize ecommerce metrics in Tableau
Visualize ecommerce metrics in Tableau
1. Use time-series charts to see the evolution of the main metrics.
Set the date calculated field as a column and combine different metrics in the rows. Combine visitors and conversions to see if the volume of visitors is the same, but the efficiency is higher or lower over time.
2. Add funnel charts to identify optimization opportunities for ecommerce and goals.
To set a funnel, use a bar chart, including a field with the different stages name you set on the goal creation and the number of conversions for each step. To format the bar chart, click on measure values and tick Reverse and log for the axis, resulting in a funnel chart.
3. Split the revenue and orders into pie charts, stacked columns, or treemaps, using as a color the category parameter created before.
4. List the products including page views, revenue, and orders.
By combining reach metrics and conversion metrics, you will be able to analyze the products’ popularity and identify if there is an opportunity to increase sales of certain products.
5. Include a list of top events if you have set them on your website.
The events, as the goals, can provide complementary insights to the ecommerce analysis. You can track audience actions that can indicate higher engagement with a certain product, a certain category, and more. Create a hierarchy structure on Tableau considering the dimensions of the events: category, action, label. You can show only the Category in a table and if the user wants to explore, they can click on the + button to see the action and label. To set your goals, use Google Tag Manager or edit your website code by adding JavaScript.
6. Use the tooltips to include more detailed information or charts.
Go to the sheet where the metric is, edit the tooltip and insert the sheet with the information you want to include. You can include the visualizations mentioned before and reduce the number of elements in the dashboard, making it easier to follow and understand.
7. Organize all the sheets in the dashboard layout using horizontal and vertical containers.
Make all filters and parameters visible to the user. The containers can help you to create a dashboard structure and organize the content. The top left corner of the screen gets more attention, so highlight the top metrics there. If there is a dependency between charts or chart and filter, group them. If you put the filter at the top and the chart at the bottom of the dashboard, identifying which filter affects which chart can be difficult.