Use transparency to build trust
Use transparency to build trust
1. Create a transparency dashboard to openly share your business metrics.
For example, Buffer did this with metrics like: Equity Funding Total revenue, Employee salaries.
2. Add a spreadsheet showing the salary structure of every individual in your company in the Salaries section - you can also embed a salary calculator.
Note that sharing your company’s salary structure to the public might not be valued by your employees – depends on the circumstances. However, sharing your salary structure does substantially improve your company’s transparency.
3. Show your monthly revenue, average revenue per customer, monthly recurring revenue, and other financial information in the Revenue section.
Average revenue per customer is your total revenue gain per customer. Monthly recurring revenue = Average revenue per customer / Total amount of customers gained that month.
4. Add a spreadsheet showing the breakdown of total equity owned by each individual working in your company, and how equity is shared between every department in your company.
5. Write about your company’s funding history, funding strategy, and current valuation in the Funding section.
6. Create instructional blog posts sharing your experience as a founder, running your business.
You can also include blog posts about events happening in your company and your daily activities as a founder.