Use the PIE conversion optimization framework
Use the PIE conversion optimization framework
1. Form a hypothesis based on the data available and determine its potential for success if tested.
Find answers to the following questions: What’s the potential lift if this test succeeds? What’s the upside and value in running the test? Does it have the chance for big or incremental improvements?
2. Determine the potential and evaluate the risk associated with a test.
Ask yourself: How important is this page or funnel that I’m testing on? Is it going to impact a large portion of my traffic or just a small section of my website? Am I testing the core features and user experience, or am I dabbling at the edges? For example, you might decide to run your test with a small sample size and over a longer period of time to help others feel comfortable testing something so critical. Conversely, if the funnel isn’t as important but has a high potential for lift, you might decide to go into the test guns blazing for bigger wins.
3. Determine how easy it would be to carry out the test.
Answer the following questions: How hard is this test to implement? Can I run this test myself through a testing software like Optimizely? Or does it require weeks of development work to roll out the test?
4. Rank each test idea on a scale of one to ten for potential, importance, and ease.
For each criteria, potential, importance and ease, score the test from 1 (low) to 10 (high). Add up the results and use that to rank the overall value of each test.