Use Instagram branded content posts for advertising

1. In the Instagram app, tap Business > Branded Content and enable Require Approvals.

2. Scroll down to Approved Accounts, search for the influencer account you want to use branded content with, and tap their name to allow them to create Instagram posts. Tag your Instagram handle as their branded partner.

3. Wait for the influencer to create the branded content according to the specifications, requirements, timeline, and marketing call to action outlined in your influencer marketing strategy and contract.

4. Build a paid ad around the Instagram branded content post by visiting your Facebook business page and navigating to Ads Manager > Create an Ad.

5. Choose an objective for your advertising.

Top options for branded content are brand awareness, reach, and traffic.

6. Follow the on-screen prompts to finalize your paid ad, including creating your target audience and setting a budget.

7. Scroll down to the section for your ad’s creative media, click Use Existing Post > Branded Content, and select the Instagram content that the influencer tagged you in.

8. Check the preview and click Confirm.