Use GA to measure website performance.
Use GA to measure website performance.
1. Go to Acquisition > All traffic > Source/Medium and check the Users and Sessions metrics to learn which traffic sources generate the most traffic like clicks, visitors & sessions, to your website.
Users indicates the number of unique visitors to your site. Sessions show the number of visits to your website; the count also includes multiple visits by the same user.
2. Check the Goal Completions metric to understand which traffic sources contribute to your business goals.
You can find this in Acquisition > All traffic > Source/Medium. You can find the absolute number of goals per traffic source in the Goal Completions column. The Goal Conversion Rate column indicates the percentage of visitors that complete the desired goal. Identify traffic sources with a high conversion rate, higher than the website average, and see if you can drive more traffic from these sources.
3. Go to Behavior > Site Content > All pages to identify the pages with the most pageviews on your website.
If you have a smaller website check the top 10 pages with the highest number of page views. If your websites has +100 pages check the top 25 pages.
4. Go to Behavior > Site Content > Landing pages to check the Bounce Rate metric and find pages with a high number of page views and a high bounce rate to identify underperforming pages on your website.
High bounce rate, much higher than the average for the website, is a symptom of a problem with your landing page. Test new variations of the landing page and track how they influence the bounce rate.
5. Go to Behavior > Site Content > Exit pages and check the Exit% metric to understand how often the users exit your website from the particular page.
You can test new variations of the pages with a high Exit%.
6. Go to Behavior > Site Content > Site speed > Page timings to identify the pages with high page load times.
In the report you will find a graphic representation of the pages that load longer than the website average. Page load time is an important component of the user experience on your website.
7. Go to Behavior > Site Content > Site speed > Speed suggestions and click on the links to get specific recommendations for site speed improvement.
Example speed suggestion: Preload key requests. Consider using to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load.
8. Go to Audience > Geo > Location and click on City to get city-level data to learn which countries your visitors come from.
Leverage this data in your marketing strategy. For example target specific regions in the ad campaigns, exclude underperforming regions.
9. Go to Audience > Mobile > Overview to learn what is the share of mobile and desktop traffic on your website.
Leverage this data in your strategy. For example a high share of iPhone users might indicate the need for developing an iOS app.