Use GA to find conversion opportunities
Use GA to find conversion opportunities
1. Analyze the site search behavior to determine whether your site navigation or search results can be improved.
Go to Behavior > Site search > Overview and check the pie chart on the right showing the share of visits with or without site search. High percentage of visits with search higher than 20% indicates that your site and navigation is difficult to use. Consider changing your site navigation to make it more user friendly. For example, add a clear category and site category hierarchy in the top navigation, use breadcrumbs, make sure that the top products and categories are represented in the top navigation. Go to Behavior > Site search > Overview and check the conversion rate for the sessions with site search. A low conversion rate might indicate that the products that the users are looking for are not available or the quality of search results is poor. Improve the quality of results or consider adding popular products to your shop. Go to Behavior > Site search > Search terms and look at the Total Unique Searches column to identify the most popular internal searches. Make sure that the most popular searches can be easily found on the website via the top navigation. Consider adding new products if the products that the users are looking for are not available. Make search results better.
2. Break down your website's conversion data by device category to understand mobile and desktop conversion rates.
Go to Audience > Mobile > Overview and tick the Sessions, Goal completions, and Goal conversion rate columns. Check the metrics for Mobile under Device category. If your share of mobile traffic is high, higher than desktop, but your conversion rate is low, 3x lower than desktop, consider the following: Optimize your website for mobile experience. Exclude the mobile devices from your marketing campaigns to reduce spend.
3. Check which landing pages drive conversions on your website.
Go to Behavior > Site content > Landing pages and look at the Goal completions and Goal conversion rate metrics. Identify landing pages with a lot of goal completions and a high conversion rate. Identify landing pages with a lot of sessions and a low conversion rate. Consider using the pages with good performance as landing pages in the paid marketing campaigns.
4. Check the traffic sources to understand which channels drive conversions.
Go to Acquisition > All traffic > Source / Medium and look at the Goal completions and Goal conversion rate metrics: Identify traffic sources with a lot of goal completions and a high conversion rate. Identify traffic sources with a lot of sessions and a low conversion rate. If you use ecommerce tracking use look at the Revenue and E-commerce conversion rate metrics: Identify traffic sources which generate revenue and a high . Identify traffic source with a lot of sessions and a low conversion rate. Scale the paid channels with good results, for example, high conversion rates and high ROAS: Increase budget. Build additional campaigns. Reduce or optimize the spend on channels with poor performance: Reduce budget. Improve targeting. Improve creatives. Improve landing page selection. Improve device targeting.
5. Check the ecommerce reports to understand the top products, brands or product categories on your website.
Go to Conversions > E-commerce > Product performance and identify the products which generate a lot of revenue: Feature them on a best-seller page. Include them in the newsletter campaign. Create additonal Facebook or Google campaigns for these products. Identify the products with a lot of product views but a low view to purchase rate: Add a discount. Make sure that the shipping is not too high.
6. Find out which geographic locations drive conversions.
Go to Audience > Geo > Location and look at the Goal completions and Goal conversion rate metrics: Identify locations with a lot of goal completions and a high conversion rate. Identify locations with a lot of sessions and a low conversion rate. Use the links next to Primary dimension to change the detail level; Country, City, Continent, Sub-Continent. Scale marketing activities in locations with good performance: Create additional geo-targeted paid marketing campaigns. Adjust Google Ads bids for this location to increase ad visibility.
7. Check Funnel visualization report to understand checkout abandonment rate.
Go to Conversions > Goals > Funnel visualization and analyze the Drop-off rate in the checkout funnel. Check which funnel steps have a high user drop-off and improve these funnel steps. For example, if users drop off at the Payment stage, add new payment methods that are popular locally. If the users drop off at the Account registration page, consider reducing the number of fields in the registration form.