Use email retargeting

1. Update your privacy policies to reflect that you do email retargeting.

For example, a common privacy guarantee is, We won’t rent, sell, share or barter your email address to third parties, which may need to be reworded or updated with the help of your HR or legal department.

2. Ask your developers to add a retargeting code snippet, or pixel, to your email campaigns.

3. Upload email lists to a retargeting network like ReTargeter or Facebook dynamic ads so that it can serve your subscribers with retargeted ads.

4. Use a retargeting platform like AdRoll to reach new potential customers.

These platforms can reach roughly 98% of the internet’s ad inventory by leveraging various ad exchanges, and allow you to display relevant advertising virtually everywhere your potential customer would be.

5. Ask your developers to define and retarget using Facebook ads - both unclicked email links, and when a lead clicks the link but doesn’t convert.

This will trigger a burn pixel, so FB ads will retarget that subscriber with a sponsored newsfeed story. For example, combine FB ad retargeting with AdRoll so that when a lead doesn’t convert they receive an ad with a survey to help you gather data on objections and concerns that you can use in future marketing strategies.

6. Trigger more relevant retargeting ads by using the email forking strategy - move your email subscribers to lists more specific to their interests.

For example, if a retailer site’s first email offers 20% off shoes, a subscriber who clicks women’s shoes will be moved to a gender-specific list, and relevant retargeting ads are triggered.

7. Use a tool that can fork and retarget your email list, such as Infusionsoft, Ontraport, or AW Pro Tools.

These programs organize subscribers through click-based list switching and subscriber tagging.

8. Use email retargeting to recover abandoned carts by sending a 3-part triggered email campaign.

The first email is sent within 30 minutes of an abandoned cart, reminding the visitor of all guarantees and FAQs. The second email is sent 23 hours after and offers a 10% discount. The third email is sent 4 days after abandonment and offers a 20% discount.

9. Segment your CRM email list, then upload these segments to the retargeting platform to create stronger messages and streamlined product offerings.

For example, use CRM retargeting to reactivate old customers by displaying product reminder ads based on inactive email addresses.