Use animations for better UX
Use animations for better UX
1. Use a page skeleton - a version of the UI with no actual content with elements in a shape similar to the actual content - for a loading sequence.
Make the content cascade onto it completing the UI incrementally while the content is being fully loaded.
2. Use transitions such as a page sliding in from the right, a loading bar progressing from the side, and content fading in smoothly onto the page for a loading sequence.
This will keep users interested while the app loads.
3. Break down a page into pagelets using web technologies such as PHP and JavaScript.
Load individually each of these sections onto the page at the same time, making the page appear in chunks.
4. Make the Back to top button fade in slowly.
Don’t make it spring up instantly to avoid grabbing too much attention. Users must see all the content before jumping back to the menu. Users spend most of their time on the left side of the screen and consume content left-to-right, giving this animation undue priority over the copy. The speed of the object attracts attention immediately. The button is supposed to be used when the user is done reading the content on the page.
5. Use animated transitions to make it clear that the page scrolled down automatically to a new position when the user clicked a link.
6. Make new fields in a form cascade down from where the user clicked. Show they caused it to happen.
Make new fields expand to indicate additional information is necessary.
7. Use animated feedback like a moving bubble going from the Add to cart button to where the shopping cart is located.
This confirms an action has been completed, especially on busy interfaces.
8. Use animated feedback to emphasize a submission with a button. Make it obvious that the button is disabled.
For example, the button can shrink and darken when clicked, a progress icon can appear while the submission is made followed by a checkmark animation that completes the action.