Upsell products to ecommerce customers

1. Install an upsell tool or app, such as Boost Sales for BigCommerce, Zipify's One-Click Upsell for Shopify, or StoreApps' Smart Offers for WooCommerce.

2. Focus on upselling your most reviewed or your most popular products to avoid upsell fatigue for your customer.

3. Identify just one or two upgrades to the current product the customer wants to buy to avoid decision fatigue.

4. Use compelling language that highlights the benefit of the upgrade, such as a faster CPU or bigger TV screen size.

5. Use price anchoring to make the upsell seem very cost-competitive compared to the product they currently have.

6. Give the customer an option on the product page, cart page, or checkout page to upgrade the product they chose for a discount.

For example, getting a larger bag of the same pet food for 10% off, or getting a buy-one-get-one discount if they double their order.

7. Create an upsell offer on the order confirmation page that lets the customer add a new product to their recently completed order with the click of a button, without re-entering their payment information.

8. Send an automated follow-up email after their order has been confirmed, thanking them for their purchase and offering a limited-time product offer, discount, or coupon code if they return to your store and order again within a specific window of time.