Share another’s content
Share another’s content
1. Mention the name of the person and link to the page or site, from which you are quoting content or data.
2. Study the content sharing guidelines of your sources and quote accordingly.
Some websites may limit quoting up to 75 words. For example:
3. Follow the credit sharing conventions of the social media platform when sharing content on social media.
On Twitter, mention via @username in the post, or retweet the whole post, which automatically includes attribution and a link to the original.
On Facebook, use the Share button from the original post or link to the original post.
On LinkedIn, link and mention the name of the company or person in the content.
On Pinterest, use the Repin button without editing the link of authorship from the original author.
4. Include a link to the source of the visual content within the text of your content, or link to the actual visual from the featured visual, using embed code.
Using an embed code in the hyperlink of the instructional text or image, ensures that you retain the clarity and quality of the visual. Look for a Share option on visual content on platforms like YouTube and Slideshare to find the embed code. For example:
5. Include an attribution to the designer on custom graphics that you commission from other businesses.
For example: