Setup custom tracking events on a website
Setup custom tracking events on a website
1. Create a new master spreadsheet for events you want to track, name it something memorable, and add Journey Stage, Event Type, Destination, Measurement Protocol, and Details as columns.
Journey Stage. The specific stage your customer is when they performed the action/behavior you want to use as the basis for your remarketing. Event Type. The specific action you want your customer to take for this to become a re-marketable event. Destination. The name of the platform where you will store data on the user and action. Measurement Protocol. Specific details on what tools/technologies/methods will be used to measure the actions being taken, such as time spent on-page, scroll depth achieved, or # of pages viewed Details. Any other information you deem as useful for future spreadsheet users. For example, if you want to target users who have viewed more than 25% of video on a particular page after seeing a specific Facebook ad, then your values could look like this Journey Stage: Acquisition. Event Type: 25% Video Views. Destination: Facebook Custom Audiences. Measurement Protocol: JavaScript with GTM. Details: Information such as the name of the specific custom Facebook audience, details about the business manager account, or GA + GTM account.
2. Fill in the Journey Stage for all events you want to track on your website, starting with the first stage of the customer journey.
Every business has a different customer journey. For example, it could be Acquisition. Make a list of all possible actions that a prospect can perform on your website at this stage. Some examples include: Watched 25% of Video. Visited Pricing Page. Subscribed to the Newsletter. Expanded More Details on Product Pages. Repeat these steps for all stages of your customer journey, such as Engagement, Conversion, Retention, Loyalty, and Advocacy. Some examples could include: Journey Stage = Loyalty, you may want to track Viewed NPS Form or Completed NPS Form. Journey Stage = Engagement, you may want to track Read 75% Article On Website.
3. Add the Event Type and Destination for each of the tracking events.
Enter one or more destinations where you will store these details as the first row in your Event Type column. These destinations will be the messaging platforms to deliver targeted marketing messages to the users that completed a specific event. Enter the Destination you want to use when sending these messages. Some common destinations include: Facebook Custom Audiences. CRM Platform. Google Analytics. Email Service Provider. There can be multiple destinations for a single event type. For example, when someone visits your pricing page, you can choose to target them with a Facebook ad, as well as an email message if they also completed a Signed up for newsletter event. Repeat the process for every event on your list.
4. Fill in the Measurement Protocol for each event based on its Destination.
The measurement protocol will be determined by the Destination for each event. Some example protocols include: JavaScript Code. URL Behavior. Tracking Pixel. For example, if you want to track users who visited your pricing page with Facebook as the Destination, you would enter Facebook Pixel as the Measurement Protocol. Events such as Added a product to cart would need custom JavaScript to be added to Google Analytics, so enter JavaScript as the Measurement Protocol.
5. Add all the information required by your web development team to track each event under the Details column.
For example, to track Visited Specific Product Page or Signed up for Newsletter events on Facebook, your developers will need access to the Facebook Pixel and the relevant custom audience details in your Facebook Business Manager. To track an event like Placed Order for a Product in Google Analytics, your developer will need access to your Google Analytics account.
6. Share the spreadsheet with your webmaster or web developer to allow them to implement the events to be tracked.
Your spreadsheet tells your webmaster or developer everything they need to know about implementing the events to be tracked, how to track them, and where to store this information.