Set up ValueTrack parameters in Microsoft Ads

1. Determine whether you need ValueTrack parameters and define your objective for using them.

By default, Microsoft turns on auto-tagging, which automatically adds tracking parameters to your URL without the need of manual tagging. ValueTrack parameters are most often used when employing 3rd party tracking platforms or to customize your landing pages by using these parameters.

2. Choose ValueTrack parameters you need to support your account and your objective.

It’s good to err on the side of comprehensive tagging. You can always add additional parameters later, but that data will only be available from that point on.  The tracking template has a limit of 2,048 characters. Any parameters over that limit will be truncated.

3. Click on Settings > Account settings, and ensure the box under Auto-tagging of Click ID is ticked.

Since December 2017, auto-tagging is turned on by default. For older conversion goals, you should manually verify if auto-tagging is turned on. Example of what it looks like to have the "Auto-tagging" checkbox checked.

4. Set up an account-level tracking template.

From the navigation menu on the left, click All campaigns > Settings > Account settings. In the Tracking template field, enter {lpurl}? followed by the ValueTrack parameters you chose earlier. For example: {lpurl}?campaign={campaign}&adgroup={adgroup}&matchtype{matchtype} If you use a 3rd-party tracking tool or service, enter the URL you received from that service. For example:{lpurl}&id=214 Click Save. An example of an account-level tracking template with the matchtype, device, bidmatchtype and network parameters visible.

5.  Set up lower-level tracking templates if necessary.

Setting templates up at the account level simplifies management and ensures coverage, but they can also be set up at the campaign, ad group, ad or site link extension level. When ads are served, the lowest level tracking template will be appended to your landing page URL. To set up a lower-level template: Check the box next to the entity you wish to set up a tracking template for.  Above, click Edit and choose Change URL options. Repeat the account-level tracking setup process you went through earlier. Click on Save. This image depicts how one might set up tracking templates at the campaign, ad group, ad, keyword or sitelink extension level. This example shows how one might get to the tracking template screen for a keyword by choosing "Change URL options" after checking one or more of the keywords.

6. Test your tracking templates to make sure they're set up correctly and driving to the correct landing page.