Set up GA and segment your data
Set up GA and segment your data
1. Follow the 4 core steps, Account setup, Property setup, View setup, and Goals setup, to get your GA started properly, and ensure it is accurately tracking and reporting your data.
Account setup: Accurately report pageviews by copy and pasting the GA Tracking Code on your site, or, install the Google Tag Manager script and set up the Pageview tag. Property setup: Enable Demographics and Interest Reports under Property Settings. Then link other Google products such as Google AdWords, Search Console, or AdSense, to your GA account under All Products, to capture as much useful data as possible. View setup: Make a backup View for a just in case scenario based on your All Website Data View, then customize your working Goals and Filters for every View in GA, under View Settings. Goals setup: Select Goals > New Goal, and select goals such as destination, duration, page/screens per session, and event goals.
2. Choose between hit, session, and user level segments, to impact the size and type of segment you will create.
User-level is the visitor’s entire journey on your site. Session-level can include a goal value, conversion rate, or time on site. Hit-level metrics can include custom variables such as time on page, page abandonment, or cart goals.
3. Use the GA Segmentation Gallery to test and experiment with pre-made segments with your users.
For example, the Occam’s Razor Awareness bundle by Avinash comes with advanced segments such as: loyal visitors, visitors via search queries with 4 words, and all social media visits.
4. Create and specify your own simple GA segments based on your user’s demographics, technology, and behavior.
As you add specifications, they will populate in the GA Summary pane. Mix and match simple segments, such as creating a segment for English-speaking women aged 25-34 who come from Twitter.
5. Use advanced, conditional, and sequence segments to divide users and their sessions according to single or multi-session conditions.
For example, you can build an advanced segment to understand how reading your blog impacts the long-term value of a user. You could also use conditional segments to identify points of friction for potential customers, for example, by including page contains ProductDetails, event exactly matches AddToCart, and exclude page exactly matches ThankYou. If you need to see how sequential actions in your funnel are connected and how they change your visitor’s behavior, use sequence segments.
6. Analyze your segmented data and use this information to make business changes.
For example, your user segments may respond best to ad pushes at a specific time of day or day of week. By using this information to tailor your ad pushes, you can increase engagement and conversion.
7. Use your segments to find patterns in your user data, then continue to create more segments based on those patterns.
For example, younger customers may account for more conversions, but older users have a higher conversion rate.