Set up behavior segments and tags on messaging services
Set up behavior segments and tags on messaging services
1. Create a new spreadsheet to list all the demographics you want to target in your automated marketing, and add User Property and Identifier as columns, along with at least 3 Buyer Persona columns.
Name your Buyer Persona columns the same names you use to identify each unique persona in your marketing.
2. Add all the behaviors you want to track, such as Opened Email or Added Product to Cart, under the User Property column and give each User Property a unique name like behaviorEmailOpened or behaviorAddedtoCart in the Identifier column.
3. Add values relevant to your business goals for each User Property and each Buyer Persona for every behavior segment you want to target with automated messages.
For example, one of your buyer personas could be targeting users that read your emails on mobile phones, while the other might target users that are mostly desktop users. Enter these values in front of behaviorDevice under User Property.
4. Add a new column to the right of your Buyer Personas named Data Source and add details about how you intend to collect the information.
For example, some data sources include: Website form fields: Where you ask questions and users select their answers from a predefined list. Third party customer data platforms: For example, some companies provide data-appending service based on users’ email addresses. Automatic data collected by your marketing platforms: such as your email service or CRM. Phone calls with prospects.
5. Create a custom field in your messaging platform for each User Property in your spreadsheet.
For example, if you want to target by email opening time, then create a custom field in your marketing automation platform master contact list named behaviorTimeofOpen. Check your platform product manual for specific instructions on adding custom fields.
6. Create tags in your messaging platform for each User Property in your spreadsheet that can have multiple answers.
For example, the answer to Time of Emails Opened could be Morning or Afternoon, so you should create tags. Check your platform product manual for specific instructions on adding tags.
7. Create marketing segments in your messaging platform and name each segment based on who you are targeting.
For example, if you wish to target users that prefer reading your emails on a mobile device in the afternoons, select behaviorDevice, and enter Value = Mobile in the field, add more segmentation criteria, select behaviorTimeofOpen from the custom fields, select Tagged As and Afternoon from the segmentation criteria, and click Save.