Sell more by eliminating click fear
Sell more by eliminating click fear
1. Write clear copy that tells people exactly what will happen and what they can do when they take action.
People feel much more comfortable when they know exactly what’s going to happen.
2. Address why customers are being asked to do something in your copy.
People always want to know why they are being asked to do something. Answer this in your copy.
3. Explain what happens after the click, in or around your call to action.
Make it clear what happens after the click. Add an explanation of what happens next below your call to action if you can’t fit it in the call to action itself. For example, Nest clearly explained what happens next in their call to action button:
4. Conduct quick usability tests on each call to action.
Ask a stranger, preferably your ideal customer, what they think happens after they click and whether have any fears, uncertainties, or doubts (FUDs) about clicking.
5. Add trust elements like guarantees, safety seals, or trust marks from well-known organizations to address customer FUDs.
For example, Brittanica Online added a “risk free” symbol that lets their customers know they can cancel their membership at any time: