Reduce the number of choices to increase conversions
Reduce the number of choices to increase conversions
1. Use the past month's sales data for your website to identify products with the highest sales volume.
Open your website analytics, navigate to Sales, sort products by the number of sales, and identify the top-selling products on your site.
2. Redesign your home page to display only the four top-selling products from the past month. Use only product images and cut out unnecessary text on the home page.
If you are using an ecommerce website like Shopify or WooCommerce, go to Themes and click Customize to change the products that are displayed.
3. Structure your website pages to offer a single goal per customer by removing distracting elements that make taking action harder.
Use a single CTA button and have one goal on the page. For example, the goal could be clicking the Buy button.
4. Open your website's Plugins page, search for social media sharing plugins, and configure these to only allow sharing to the two platforms most popular with your target audience.
If customers aren’t sharing your products using those social media plugins, remove the plugins completely.
5. Decrease the number of products shown on your product page or homepage to increase product sales. Use only images with no product names or details.
6. Edit your website's checkout page to display only a single CTA to avoid decision fatigue.
Remove all unnecessary elements on the checkout page, such as suggested products or upselling, and make the purchase button very obvious.
7. Simplify your email campaigns to offer a single product and one CTA button. Remove upselling alternatives to focus the buyer's attention on a single product.
8. Personalize your email campaigns by segment, for users to perform a single action when interacting with the offer.
For example, the action is to purchase one product or click on the CTA button.
9. Create 3 pricing models for SaaS products to offer pricing tiers for all customer segments.
For example, you can offer your product to free users, users that want to use the product scarcely, and enterprise users.