Publish a free website on Webflow
Publish a free website on Webflow
1. Navigate to Project Settings and choose a new subdomain or update your pre-defined subdomain to use as your website's URL.
Webflow creates a subdomain by default when you choose the project name. Update the subdomain to one that’s easier to remember or more appropriate for your project. Make sure the subdomain is available. Webflow will show a green tick if the subdomain is available.
2. Click + New Project to create a project, select the type of project you want to create, and follow the wizard to build and publish your site.
Webflow offers the functionality to create and work on multiple projects. This allows you to work on multiple projects if you are looking to use Webflow to build websites for your clients. Each project will be assigned a unique URL with its own subdomain.
3. If you are building websites for clients, navigate to Project Settings > Billing to manage billing for client websites.
As an agency, if you need to create and manage web projects for your clients, Webflow offers the functionality to bill your clients directly for their paid projects through the individual project settings/billings page.
4. Navigate to Project Settings > Integrations to setup Google Analytics tracking.
Webflow allows users to add Google tracking even when the website is hosted for free. Click the Project. Click Settings. Click the Integrations tab. Scroll Down to the Google Analytics section. Enter your Google Universal Analytics Tracking ID.
5. Navigate to Project Settings > Integrations to add your Facebook Pixel
To setup the Facebook pixel : Click the Project. Click Settings. Click the Integrations tab. Scroll Down to the Facebook Pixel section. Enter your Facebook Pixel ID.
6. Navigate to Project Settings > Generate API Key to create an API key you can use to connect other applications to the Webflow CMS.
Click Project on the Dashboard. Click Project Settings. Click the Integrations tab. Scroll down to API Access, generate your API token, and paste it into any application you need to connect to Webflow.
7. Clicking Showcase Your Project if you want to showcase your site as a template on the Webflow marketplace and generate revenue from your design.
Other users can search for templates on Webflow marketplace. If they choose and download your template to build their own project, Webflow will pay you for each download. Navigate to your Dashboard. Click the Project you want to showcase. Click Showcase Your Project button.