Promote a white paper

1. Identify a white paper your brand has created which you would like to promote.

Creating a white paper is an excellent piece of content to use in your marketing strategy to build brand awareness and authority within your industry. They make great tools to generate leads while showcasing your business’s expertise on a topic.

2. Create a permanent location on your website to access the white paper, such as a resource page.

3. Design a landing page on your website that will act as a lead magnet to collect prospects' information, such as their name and email address, in exchange for a free download of your white paper.

Direct traffic to this landing page from the various promotion efforts outlined in the additional steps below. The landing page should be visually compelling, free of distractions, and optimized for mobile devices. Make sure the lead capture form and download process are positioned as the main focus of the page and are easy for users to complete.

4. Identify the content promotion channels your business uses in your content strategy - for example, website, blog, email, social media platforms, or paid advertising platforms.

Use each of these channels to integrate your white paper promotion with your existing marketing strategies.

5. Promote your white paper directly to your email subscribers, either with a promotional email or by including it in a monthly newsletter.

Run a special promotion that offers subscribers early access to download the white paper. Encourage your readers to share or forward the white paper to friends or colleagues in their circle to expand organic reach.

6. Add actionable CTAs in blog content that covers similar topics to your white paper, and link directly to it.

Blog readers can turn into high quality leads if they click through to your landing page and enter their information in exchange for downloading the white paper. Guide your blog readers through posts that introduce what’s reported in your white paper. Make sure to link to your white paper through CTAs to provide your readers with a logical next step.

7. Repurpose specific stats or research from your white paper to create social media posts to distribute on your social channels.

Seek out industry specific groups on LinkedIn or Facebook. Then, create posts that link back to the landing page for the white paper.

8. Answer questions related to the topic of your white paper on forums like Reddit or Quora.

Write a concise and detailed answer to industry specific questions informed by your research. Link directly to your white paper’s landing page. Prospects from these types of forums can turn into valuable leads because they are already invested in researching the specific topic you’re promoting.

9. Create ads on social media or use paid search ads and target them to relevant audiences, behaviors, or keywords related to your white paper.

A few effective platforms include LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, and Google Ads. Leverage targeting features to narrow down the audiences you push ads to.

10. Reach out to other professionals within your network to inquire about promoting your white paper by writing a guest post for their websites.