Pick a webinar tool

1. Define your webinar format and where it will be hosted.

2. Create a webinar outline to determine what features you will need to consider, like polling or Q&A segments.

3. Outline essential technical integrations with your CRM, email platform, and analytics suite.

4. Estimate the number of attendees you can expect, based on past webinars and metrics like typical marketing reach and conversion rates.

5. Create a list of 3 potential webinar tools based on ratings on independent websites like G2 or Capterra, costs, and on how well they match your criteria.

6. Sign up for a trial account on all three platforms to dry-run your webinar for evaluation.

7. Use your dry run to test registration flow and integrations, video quality and reliability, and engagement features.

8. Evaluate each tool’s analytics capabilities and post-webinar functionality, like exporting or embedding the video on your website or YouTube.

9. Choose the tool that best matches your budget and needs based on the dry run.