Perform copy testing
Perform copy testing
1. Run a peer review test on your current copy by asking 4-6 reviewers to rate sections of your copy on a scale of 1-4.
1: Not going to read beyond the headline 4: Would read the entire copy with full interest. Participants can give decimal point scores to better reflect their perception of the headline.
2. Create a spreadsheet with columns for Variation, Comparison, and Score, and enter the headline in the Variation column.
3. Start with the headline, then iterate through the next four steps for each paragraph in your copy once you find a version that scores over 3.2.
4. Record the scores, calculate the mean for the section of copy, and enter this in the Score column of your spreadsheet.
5. If the score is under 3.2, ask your participants to make suggestions on what could be changed and edit the section.
Add the new text to the Variant column in your spreadsheet. If the score is over 3.2, move to the next section of text. Ask participants to provide feedback constructively and offer alternatives in their responses.
6. Ask participants to rate the new copy in comparison to the previous version using a scale of stronger, weaker, or no notable difference, then rate the copy using the 1-4 scale if it's stronger.
If the mean rating is over 3.2, make that the new base copy and move to the next section of text. Enter the stronger/weaker consensus in the Comparison column of your spreadsheet and the rating, if performed, in the Score column.
7. When every section of your copy has a score over 3.2, create an email campaign to deliver it to 5 customers and ask them to mark any sections of the copy that they find confusing, unbelievable, or boring.
Use the responses to edit the copy: If boring, make it more concise. If confusing, simplify complicated words and statements. If unbelievable, either cut it or add proof.