Perform copy research
Perform copy research
1. Scan the main argument of your copy to identify which stage of the customer journey you are writing for.
If you know how informed your reader is, the length of your argument and text will be different For example, if the landing page text is informative and talks about current pain points to show interest, then you are focusing on the awareness stage.
2. Create a spreadsheet with columns for Existing Problems, URL, Problem Frequency, and Priority, and fill it with known issues like voice inconsistency, messaging inconsistency, and style inconsistency.
3. Ask your support and sales team what questions visitors have, their pains, and their concerns.
4. Analyze the interview responses and cross-reference them to your current copy to identify if your existing copy is addressing those concerns.
5. Create user segments to determine the goal of your user interviews based on insights you want to gather.
For example, if you want to learn how to better your copy to increase retention, create a segment for users that dropped out mid-session.
6. Conduct qualitative interviews and surveys with the audience segment, and use a research plan to guide your interviews.
In the research plan, add the goal of your research, the hypotheses, and guiding questions for each section of your interview.
7. Create a spreadsheet with columns for Quote, Type, Theme, Feature, and Notes, and add the interview responses to the Answer column.
Copy a quote that summarizes the issue from each response and paste it into the Quote column. Then analyze each quote to assign a type of issue or benefit, a theme if you notice common subjects, the feature it relates to, and any comments you have.