Organize a Facebook Campaign
Organize a Facebook Campaign
1. Create separate campaigns for different campaign objectives.
If your campaign goal is to drive ecommerce sales, create a separate campaign with the objective Conversions. If your goal is to generate shares, comments, or likes, select Engagement as the campaign objective. If your goal is to drive traffic to your website, select Traffic as the campaign objective. If your goal is to get leads, choose Lead generation as the objective.
2. Create separate campaigns for separate product groups, if you run a campaign for a large webshop with multiple product categories.
For example: Campaign 1: Laptops. Campaign 2: Tablets. Campaign 3: Smartphones.
3. Create separate campaigns for separate countries, if you run a global campaign targeting multiple countries.
Combine the country targeting with objective selection mentioned in the first step. For example: Campaign 1: Location: USA, Objective: Conversions. Campaign 2: Location: USA, Objective: Engagement. Campaign 3: Location: Canada, Objective: Conversions. Campaign 4: Location: Canada, Objective: Engagement.
4. Use ad sets for comparing different targeting methods.
Create different ad sets based on different targeting methods. For example, interest-based, lookalike audiences, custom audiences, and behavior demographic. Experiment with different targeting criteria within each of these targeting methods. For example, you can target a different set of interests in two separate ad sets. You might test different lookalike audience sizes in two different ad sets for example, ad set 1: 1% lookalike, ad set 2: 3% lookalike. You can create ad sets for different custom audiences, for example, top 20% customers with the highest lifetime value vs other customers. Example structure: Ad set 1: Interest based; Users interested in fashion. Ad set 2: Interest based; Users interested in fashion brands. Ad set 3: Interest based; Users following fashion influencers. Ad set 4: Lookalike audience 1%. Ad set 5: Lookalike audience 5%. Ad set 6: Custom audience, all customers.
5. Use multiple ads within each of the ad sets, to test different creatives or different pages.
Use 4-6 ads per ad set and test different approaches, for example: Picture vs video. Long copy vs short copy. Emotional copy vs rational copy. Pure product picture vs product in a lifestyle context. Product detail page vs product category page as landing page.
6. Use a granular structure for easier optimization decisions.
Evaluate the performance on the campaign level: Identify underperforming campaigns and deactivate them. Identify the best performing campaigns and increase the budget for them. Evaluate the performance of different audiences on the ad set level: Identify the best-performing audiences and scale them, for example, increase the budgets and target them in a separate campaign with alternative products. Evaluate the ad creative performance on the ad level: Identify which ads perform best. Take all the elements in the account, for example, copy style, copy length, calls to action, design assets, and photo type. Use the learnings as an inspiration for new ads.