Optimize trust elements on product page
Optimize trust elements on product page
1. Showcase reviews and ratings in prominent locations on product pages to help users find them easily.
Add review snapshots directly below products or in other prominent locations. Add a See more reviews link to avoid cluttering product pages.
2. Include one or two negative reviews per ten positive reviews to increase the credibility of positive reviews.
Use reasonable judgement when deciding which negative reviews to show and don’t show too many negative reviews or complaints that will drive potential customers away.
3. Use plugins like Customer Reviews for WooCommerce to allow customers to incorporate photos and videos into their reviews.
4. Allow users to sort reviews by what’s most relevant to them, such as by date added, rating, and review length.
Sorting tools are built into most website platforms that include reviews by default, but using tools like Customer Reviews or the CM Reviews Plugin for WooCommerce makes configuring them easier. Ask your web developer to add or configure review sorting tools if you’re not technically inclined.
5. Give users the option to mark reviews they find helpful or unhelpful and report inappropriate reviews.
This enables the best and most useful reviews to naturally make their way to the top. This feature is built-in to most review plugins, but ask your web developer if you’re not sure how to implement it or use a different platform.