Optimize product information credibility
Optimize product information credibility
1. Use Google Analytics to identify product pages where users are commonly misled and reorganize product lists to match user intention.
Log in to Google Analytics and navigate to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages and identify product pages with the shortest and highest Average Time on Page. Click each page on your list and click the Navigation Summary tab at the top of the report for a list of pages users viewed before accessing the page on the left, and a list of pages users traveled to after on the right. Identify those pages where the majority of users completed a purchase or added the product to their shopping cart as opposed to navigating back to the search results page. Reorganize your product list, placing those product pages identified above at the top of your product list.
2. Add the most important product attributes to your product list and add pop-up boxes to display additional information when necessary.
Attributes in your product list should give users enough information to understand the differences between products. Add pop-up boxes that appear on mouse-hover if the products you sell require more information to be displayed.
3. Double-check that the product attributes listed in the product title are the same as those listed in the features list.
4. Add prices per unit for packaged products to allow users to quickly assess product value.
For example, if you sell protein powder, show users the price per serving in your product lists.
5. Add indicators to immediately communicate all product variations for products on your list.
For example, if you sell t-shirts, use circular indicators to indicate all available colors under the product picture.
6. Add text or images to highlight compatibility between different products on your product lists to help users make more informed decisions.
For example, if you sell laptop accessories, indicate which laptops the accessories are compatible with in the title or an image.
7. Use a tool like WooCommerce Products Compare to give users an easy option to compare products on your product list.
Add a Compare checkbox above or beside each product or a Compare button under each product.