Optimize product comparison usability
Optimize product comparison usability
1. User test with 5-15 users to decide if you need a product comparison tool and for which products.
For example, if you sell products that don’t have many comparable technical specifications and typically only differ in design, material, and price, a comparison tool may not be needed.
2. Choose between a select & compare tool, filter method, or standalone comparison table.
The select & compare tool is appropriate for most sites. Users simply select the products they want to compare and click a Compare button. The filter method uses filters to narrow down products and is useful for comparing complex items like electronics or products with many technical specifications. The standalone table approach works best for comparing different products under the same category and involves using a pre-made and pre-populated table listing all the comparable products.
3. Use prominent Compare checkboxes right under or above product thumbnails on product lists when taking a select & compare approach.
4. Show a notification that tells users what to do next whenever they select a product to compare.
5. Use a sticky comparison select indicator that follows users around, to remind them to add more products to the comparison view.
Indicate the maximum number of products users can select by displaying empty placeholders next to the selected item.
6. Add comparison tools to your search results pages.
7. Display Add to cart CTAs for each product on comparison pages to make it easy for users to purchase their chosen product.
8. Add clear Close or Back to results buttons to comparison pages to improve the browsing experience.
9. Use clickable product images that link directly to product pages.
If users don’t immediately click the Add to Cart CTA, they’ll want to see the product page. So, make it easier for them by adding clickable product images on comparison pages that lead directly to product pages.