Optimize Facebook ad campaigns for clicks

1. Install the Facebook pixel on your website, which allows retargeting and gives you greater insight into your customer audience behavior.

2. Do a test run before the campaign execution to see if your audience is engaging with the ad content.

3. Select the right campaign objectives to help Facebook’s algorithms optimize your ad for the best results.

4. Define your target audience and their preferences to help choose the right creative format to encourage clicks.

5. Use the right targeting method, like geography, demographics, or gender, to define your audience.

6. Maximize ad variation and use more than one ad in a campaign to encourage variety and reduce ad fatigue.

7. Reuse existing, organic, and engaging content to encourage click through.

8. Optimize your ad schedule based on the times your customers are clicking to discover the best times for advertising.

9. Monitor your ad placement to see where your audience discovers your ad the most.

10. Leverage auto optimization and new formats like automated app ads to let Facebook’s algorithms discover the best conversion opportunities for your ad.