Optimize emails for conversions
Optimize emails for conversions
1. Write a clear, relevant subject line that includes enough information that the reader knows what the email is about, but not so much that it reveals the entire story.
For example, 5 SEO Mistakes That Even Experts Miss.
2. Personalize the message with the client’s name, relevant information, and appropriate tone.
For example, Hi –, I saw your recent signup. If there’s anything you need help with, don’t hesitate to ask for a followup email.
3. Include links to other features, new products, or information guides.
Providing access to other features encourages clients to add onto their existing services.
4. Emphasize your key message by repeating it in a call to action section and again in a PS section.
5. Use both text and graphics in your email design.
Graphics can include stock photos, product photos, logos, or even pull quotes.
6. Include testimonials from other clients in the body of the message, and again in a PS section for emphasis.
7. Include discount codes or subscription incentives with every email.
For example, send an annual subscription for the price of only 10 months to a monthly subscriber; a new product launch discount to loyal clients; incentives for similar products to new users.
8. Send different emails to new customers and loyal customers, and combine them with incentive emails.
For example, loyal clients can receive discounts for new product launches or additional features while new clients can receive special bonus offers.