Optimize design of product & search result pages
Optimize design of product & search result pages
1. Add up to 4 product images per row based on image sizes and product details.
Add an automatic Zoom function on mouse hover if you choose to display more products and smaller images per row. Add fewer images per row for spec-heavy products to make product descriptions easier to read.
2. Give customers the option to change image sizes and the number of displayed products per row to improve user experience.
Ask your web developer to implement this function.
3. Use either a grid or a list view for your product list page design based on product type.
Use a grid view to display large product images for visually driven products where appearance is a major factor that influences purchase decisions. For example, clothes and accessories. Use a list view for spec-driven products defined by attributes like dimensions, weight, or power.
4. Give customers the option to toggle between grid and list views to browse your products the way they prefer.
This can be added using a plugin like Grid/List Toggle for WooCommerce. Alternatively, ask your web developer to set up this simple function.
5. Use pagination or endless scrolling with a load more button for product list pages to let customers know when and where every product page ends.
Show the total number of products on every product list page to set customer expectations. Offer users the option to choose how many products per page will be displayed, and include a See all option to maximize user experience when using pagination. Use the endless scrolling with a Load more link or button to keep all products on the same page while allowing customers to have control over the number of products on the page.
6. Show related products on search results pages if the item the user searched for is no longer in stock.
Show newer versions or different sizes or colors, or display products that belong to the same category. Add an email notification field and ask the user to add their email address to be notified when the product is back in stock.