Optimize content for search intent

1. Identify keywords and search queries that your audience uses to research their problem, compare solutions, or find your website.

2. Look at the current search results for the search query to gauge what information users expect and end up finding.

3. Determine if the query is informational, navigational, or transactional to identify what types of information the user expects to see.

4. Map the keyword to a funnel stage and content format based on the query type.

5. Identify ways to add additional value to your content based on related questions and SERP competitors’ content.

6. Use the main keyword in the title, meta description, headline, and URL.

7. Answer the explicit search query thoroughly and near the beginning of the content.

8. Add additional related information that answers all implicit questions the searcher has.

9. Follow other SEO best practices, like linking to related internal content.

10. Track and measure success based on page bounce rates, time on page, and traffic sources.