Optimize a SaaS website for conversions
Optimize a SaaS website for conversions
1. Decide how you want to approach the sale - for example, whether you'll offer a free trial or free accounts.
One of the first and most important things to focus on in SaaS is how you sign up users and approach the sale. Do you offer a free trial? Do you offer a freemium solution? Do you offer no free accounts? Do you let people sign up on your site or do you have a higher touch sales call/demo? Once you decide how you want to approach the sale, you can begin optimizing for it.
2. Set up lead nurturing campaigns that use calls to action, ask questions, provide free resources, and tell stories.
Lead nurturing is a fundamental part of SaaS sales and how you follow up with a lead is incredibly important in converting them and increasing their lifetime value. Remember that lead nurturing is about trust and relationships more than selling. Maximize the effectiveness of your lead nurturing campaigns by: Using calls to action and asking questions that consistently lead to engagement. Providing value by teaching or giving away tools and resources. Telling stories to which your audience can relate.
3. Use customer feedback and quantitative data like behavioral cohorts to improve your onboarding and UX.
Just because someone signed up for your trial or converted doesn’t mean you’ve won. You still need to make them love (or at least use) your product. Improving your onboarding and UX is both a qualitative and quantitative endeavor. Look for both Red Flag indicators that users will churn and moments that correlate with user retention.
4. Clarify your value proposition on your homepage - cover the what, how, and why of your offer as quickly, concisely, and clearly as possible.
5. Use a familiar, prototypical, and intuitive navigation system.
Strengthening your website’s navigation improves its overall UX and increases the chances of users converting
6. Create and publish useful, interesting, and relevant content.
Write as much content as you and your readers need, and nothing more.
7. Create a call to action that invites users to take their most desired action.
Does your call to action engage users?
8. Test different pricing plans and pricing plan orders.
Emphasize desired plans. For example, try showing users your most popular plan first. Experiment with showing pricing plans in different orders, like highest first or lowest first. Try pricing experiments like the decoy effect.
9. Experiment with different signup flows.
Some common signup flows to test include: App access after a series of tasks Account setup after app access Access app immediately