Measure YouTube marketing performance
Measure YouTube marketing performance
1. Check the engagement metrics of your YouTube Ads in the Google Ads interface.
Go to your Google Ads account. Click on Video campaigns. Click on the campaign that you would like to analyze. Click on Columns and select Views. Check the Video played to 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% columns to understand the engagement with your video ads. If most of your users play your video to 25% or below, improve your targeting, for example, choose a more relevant audience for your video. Check the View rate columns to analyze the percentage of users that viewed your video after seeing your ad. Identify the ads with the highest view rate and use these insights to improve your ads. For example, use specific thumbnails or ad copy that generate high view rates. Check the Earned views columns to understand which ads drive additional views of other videos on your YouTube channel. Use the insights to improve your campaign. Use the ads with a high engagement and a large number of earned views.
2. Optimize the audience targeting for your paid YouTube Ads.
Go to your Google Ads account. Click on Video campaigns. Click on Audiences. Check the View rate and Video played to metric to identify the audiences that generate the best engagement. Consider increasing the budget for these audiences and exclude audiences with poor engagement. Click on Demographics and analyze the age groups. Exclude the age groups which are irrelevant for your product or service or generate poor engagement.
3. Optimize the placement targeting for your YouTube Ads.
Go to your Google Ads account. Click on Video campaigns. Click on Placements and Where Ads Showed. Check the View rate and Video played to metric to identify the channels that generate poor engagement. Exclude these channels from the campaign.
4. Identify your most popular YouTube videos to inform your future content strategy.
Go to YouTube Analytics. Go to Channel Analytics/Engagement. Scroll down to Top videos and click on See more. Check the metric Views to see the total views of your videos and which videos are most popular. Use this information to make informed decisions about the YouTube content you create. Identify popular topics and create content related to popular topics.
5. Identify videos with the highest number of likes to inform your future YouTube content strategy.
Go to YouTube Analytics. Under Channel Analytics click on Engagement, scroll down to Top videos and click on See more. Click on the Watch time (hours) by video drop down and then go to More metrics > Likes vs dislikes. Analyze the videos with a high number of likes and think about similar videos that you can create. The user comments are frequently a good source of inspiration. Find out which videos have the lowest Like/Dislike ratio and read the comments under the video to better understand the users’ sentiments. Use these insights to come up with new content ideas and inform decisions.
6. Get more demographic data about your YouTube audience to check if you reach the right audience.
Go to YouTube Analytics. Under Channel Analytics click on Audience/Age & Gender/Country. Compare the audience with your user personas or the demographic data of your desired target group. Consider tweaking your strategy if the audience report indicates that you don’t reach the desired target group. For example, if your intention is to reach the users aged 18-24 but the Age & Gender report indicates that you don’t reach this group, you can create additional content tailored to this group, or target this age group specifically via YouTube Ads.