Measure your relevant website traffic
Measure your relevant website traffic
1. Map out your ideal target audience by looking at your value proposition and highlighting where your target audience is located.
Look at Audience > Geo > Location in Google Analytics. Note in a spreadsheet, the top three locations from which people access your website. This could be of different scales like country, state, or city depending on your target audience.
2. Navigate to Audience > Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics, click on Add Segment, and click on +NEW SEGMENT.
Select Sequences from the Advanced panel to determine the sequential conditions of your website traffic.
In the first sequence step, add the geolocation by opening the drop-down menu and searching for a country, and from the second drop-down menu, search for the exactly matches variable to identify traffic directed from your ideal location.
In the text box, type the name of your country that you associate with relevant traffic.
Click on the ADD button and insert a new condition to track the traffic coming to your main website or landing page and select the Page variable from the drop-down menu.
In the text box, paste the URL link of the page you want to measure the traffic.
Click on the ADD button and insert a new condition to track the bounce rate and select the Bounce variable from the drop-down menu and select the less than sign in the second drop-down box.
In the text box, type 1 to track traffic that did not bounce and visited more than one page.
Add a name for your new segment and click on Save.
3. Select Last 30 days from the Date Range drop-down and Sessions from the Metric drop-down, then scroll down to see how many people in your segment have started sessions on your website in the past month.
4. Create a new spreadsheet and add four columns: Month, Website Traffic, Relevant Traffic, and Relevant Traffic Percentage.
Enter the Current Month and Year in the first free row of the Month column. Go to your website analytics reports, set the time frame you want to gather data for, and copy the total number of website visits to the Website Visits column in your spreadsheet. Copy the information from the previous step to the Relevant Traffic column.
5. Calculate the percentage of your website traffic that's relevant traffic.
Use the formula: relevant traffic / website traffic * 100.
6. Talk to your marketing team about the cohort analysis results to improve their brand awareness campaigns and generate better quality traffic.
Identify the percentage of relevant traffic and target your marketing efforts, such as paid advertising, to reach that audience.