Measure NPS in transactional emails
Measure NPS in transactional emails
1. Open your standard transactional or post-purchase email template, insert a text block and give it an engaging title that outlines that you'd like the customer's feedback.
Examples of good headings: Help us get better. We’d LOVE your feedback. Help us to help you.
2. Add a short and easy to understand NPS (Net Promoter Score) question underneath your title.
If you want to embed your survey question directly into your email, use a quantitative question. For example, On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend or colleague? Qualitative questions will get a much lower response rate, but you may get more in-depth data. For example, What feature do you think has been most beneficial to your business? Or Why did you choose us over our competitors?
3. Use survey data collection apps like SoGoSurvey or SurveyGizmo to collect the answers to your NPS questions.
Typeform and Jotform are also good survey data collection apps. How the survey is embedded in the email will vary between survey apps, so follow the in-app instructions. While embedding a numerical 1-10 survey question in an email does create a more user-friendly experience, some inboxes do not render these surveys well. If you’d prefer to link to the survey, create an image of your survey question or screenshot and link the image to your survey location.
4. Insert a call to action like Click here to provide feedback and link this call to action to your chosen survey app.
5. Add copy after the survey question to thank the user for their time.
If you want to send a user followup survey after they have answered, make sure you state this as well.
6. Test your email across multiple inboxes and devices.
This is especially important if you are embedding your survey directly into your email. Litmus is an excellent testing service that will spam test and inbox test your email. Alternatively, test manually by setting up inboxes with major providers and sending separate tests to all, or use a 3rd party testing service.