Measure brand awareness

1. Create a spreadsheet with a Metrics column and a separate column assigned to each of your active social media accounts.

For example, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

2. In the Metrics column, add rows for brand awareness metrics like Impressions, Clicks, Follows, and Website Clicks.

Brand awareness metrics are the insights that are tracked by the social media platform itself or a third-party application. Enter metrics in weekly or monthly increments, adding new rows as needed. Alternatively, use a third party social media management platform like Social Sprout or Hootsuite that provides wider date increments.

3. In the same spreadsheet, list the metrics that relate to an increase in brand awareness.

Report on the metrics mentioned above by going to the insights/analytics section of each social media account or using a social media manager to gather data. Report on metrics that directly affect your brand.

4. Organize all your social media accounts using a social media management platform like Hootsuite or Social Sprout, that provides individual or bulk insights for your social media accounts.

Open the reports section of the social media manager and export cross-channel reports, to quantify social media performance. Open the reports section of the social media planner and export individual account reports. You can also retrieve brand awareness metrics by accessing the insights features of each account and manually copying the data to your spreadsheet.

5. Fill in each row of your spreadsheet with brand awareness metrics that you retrieve from the reports downloaded from your social media management platform.

6. Open the analytics section of your website, look at website traffic, and identify the number of visits from external sources to measure your website's traffic.

If your website can gather data from social media accounts, use that section to get a better overview. Otherwise, external sources offer you a good indicator.

7. In the same spreadsheet, add a new column titled Brand Awareness Traffic and add up the results from link clicks and external traffic.

If you use Excel or Google Sheets, use the SUM formula.

8. Add up the total number of website clicks from all social media accounts and compare it to externally generated website traffic.

An increase in clicks on your social media and an increase in external generated traffic means your brand generates more brand awareness.