Measure B2B lead generation
Measure B2B lead generation
1. Create an account on a CRM site like HubSpot or to get insights into your prospects' website interactions.
This includes tracking website clicks, pop-up clicks, and website traffic.
2. Synchronize your website data and analytics by adding your website tracking codes into the CRM platform configuration and to your website header and footer.
3. Once a week or month, download a report on your prospects from the CRM site you chose.
In HubSpot, open Opportunities Panel > Reports > Prospects > Download. The spreadsheet report will include any information you requested from your prospects, such as e-mail address, phone number, or name.
4. Ask your sales team to contact your prospects via email or phone to move them through the sales funnel.
Start with email campaigns designed to create desire to schedule a call. Direct call the prospects once you have their data, and they’ve shown interest in your product or service. Create an automated sequence in your CRM tool to increase prospect interest.
5. In the prospects report spreadsheet, create a new column titled Leads, and record conversions and appointments against any prospects you've made progress with.
Alternatively, you can label the converted prospects as leads in the CRM application you’re using.
6. Open Google Analytics and go to Reports > Real-Time > Events to find the number of times someone submitted information via website form or pop-up.
7. Talk to your development and sales team to optimize your prospect acquisition process and increase the number of potential leads.
Change your brand message on the social media platform to increase the CTR. Adjust the targeting of your paid ads to generate better relevant traffic. Optimize your website message and layout components to increase prospect acquisition.